Monday, October 6, 2014

The 1/2 rule

I'm all about the 1/2 rule when I eat. What is the 1/2 rule you ask...well I've mentioned before I believe that we should be able to eat what we want but just in moderation so, to help make this belief more effective I like to cut my portion size in 1/2. This works really well when Brian (my boyfriend) and I go out to eat because we usually share apps and entrees. If you're not sharing you could have the restaurant pre-box up 1/2 the food before they bring it out to you. That way you are less tempted to eat all of it. I also try to practice this rule at home too. I like to use little bowls when eating cereal, yogurt, guac, etc. these tiny bowls are my fave!

If you're still feeling hungry after only 1/2 of your lunch or dinner try drinking water after every bite. This fills you up faster while eating less.

*Note this rule does not apple to salads, fruits, and veggies. I like to fill up on these clean foods as much as possible.



Sunday, October 5, 2014

Frozen Gummy Treats.

There's just something about gummies that I just love! Gummy worms/bears, swedish fish, sour patch kids, you name it and I'll probably eat it. Obviously, candy isn't the healthiest choice and I will only eat it on occasion because I believe that we can eat what we want as long as it's in moderation AND I am always on the hunt for a healthier version of the candy I love.The other day I went to my local Trader Joe's to get a few items and as I was standing in the check out line I had to grab my favorite TJ gummy bears. I absolutely love these little guys! They are all natural and do not have preservatives or artificial flavors. Score! I like to pop them in the freezer once I am home. Frozen gummies take longer to eat, so you end up eating less and still feeling satisfied. Trader Joe's gummy bears are yummy by themselves or if you are feeling adventurous in a glass of champagne. Enjoy!